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Toddlers With Attitude

Here at Juvie, we like to say that we can dress all of your kids, from your hip toddler to your trendy tween.

But wait a second...can a toddler even BE hip?  I mean, sure, they're on your hip most of their waking moments.  And no, we didn't say hipster toddler...we know they're not out scouting the hottest indie rock band, or drinking PBR in oversize vintage glasses (with what are likely clear non-prescription lenses).  They're also not wearing ironic facial hair.  But they are hanging out with their fashionable, fun, and go-ahead-and-say-it, hip parents.  So, they're hip by proxy.

Ben Sherman flag top

Ben Sherman Guitar top

We love these new long sleeve t-shirts from British menswear favorite, Ben Sherman for Boys.  They start at size 2T, so your little guy can show some Cool Britannia attitude at preschool.

Kingsley is another line that always evokes shrieks of, "Cool!" from kids and their grown-ups.  They're on a designing hiatus right now, but we've got a few styles in stock in the little sizes (2T-6).
Kingsley Dinosaur Kit set

Kingsley Skandy t-shirt

The little dude has to cover up on the bottom as well, so check out these big boy style cords, chinos and denim from Wes and Willy:
Wes and Willy black chinos

Wes and Willy motorcycle flannel pants

Wes and Willy charcoal athletic pants

So go ahead and embrace your toddler's right to be hip!  Shop at Juvie for fast, low-rate shipping and the best selection for toddler girls and boys.